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Open Doors ministries

The Israel Connection 

September 2011 saw the birthing of a ministry to connect Gentile believers outside Israel with believers in Israel on a one-to-one personal level so that the fledgling church in Israel would not feel isolated or alone but would know the wider body of Christ is there to support them. One email and six months later we were connected with individuals and families from over 20 fellowships and ministries, all exceedingly grateful to have prayer and friendship. We have never looked back. If you would like to be part of this vision and connect with someone yourself, please contact us. God bless you.

Our Vision

​- Jew and Gentile together in Christ as One New Man (Eph 2: 11-15) so that the body is made complete

- For the church to recognise the time we are living in: that the Jews are being grafted back into the olive tree as they awaken to Yeshua as their Messiah and the time of the Gentiles comes to an end (Romans 11:17-24; Zech 12:6)

- Revelation in the church that the absence of the Jewish half leaves the Gentile church incomplete and that embracing the Jewish believers brings fullness of blessings to the whole body and a depth of understanding of the Hebrew language and scriptures that is their inheritance (Romans 11:12)

- The body of Christ will understand and embrace the importance of Israel in God’s end time plan.

Prayer and Monthly Updates

The Mission

- To help Gentile believers outside of Israel connect with Israeli believers (Messianic and Arab) person to person, family to family, to pray, send encouraging words or even financial support as the Holy Spirit leads.

- To unite in weekly prayer for the individuals, families and fellowships we are in personal contact with in Israel.

- To be ambassadors and evangelists for Israel in our own community, church and nation, and to encourage others to be so.

- To gather together monthly:

-      to share updates from the fellowships in Israel and pray for them

-      to pray for one another as God’s ambassadors and evangelists for Israel in our home churches


All donations given to The Israel Connection will be passed on to those in need in Israel.

Tours to Israel

Tours to Israel are planned annually for believers to encounter their Saviour in a deeply personal way and meet the living stones (Jew and Arab believers) in the land today.


Our next tour is planned for 2016. If you would like to join us in Israel, meeting believers there, praying throughout the land and seeing the sites of the bible, do email us from the Contacts page. A minimum of 3 people is needed to organise a tour.


© 2014 by PetraAndreaNorth

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